ICT Second Term Program For All Classes.


For the first 5 weeks, Preps have continued to learn and consolidate logging onto the computer. Thanks to those parents who have assisted their children to find the appropriate keys for the logging in process. Families could continue to assist in finding the keys: Clrt, Alt and Delete, also the letters s, g, r, a, d, & e and the numbers 1& 2. Children are encouraged to practise to log into their Reading Eggs and Mathletics as well.

In week 6, students will be introduced to Microsoft Word. Students could practise opening Word with their parents help. In class, students will be using the Word program to explore making shapes & typing their names.

The skills they will be assessed on are the use of a mouse, accessing and logging onto the computer as well as typing their names and creating shapes in Microsoft Word.

Grade 1

Grade 1’s have been revisiting Microsoft Word, by typing a weekly journal where they are changing the colour and size of the font. They will also insert clips.

They have also been introduced to touch typing lessons. This program used at school, improves speed and accuracy by properly placing certain fingers on the keyboard to type the correct letters. If you would like to support this, it is recommended that you find a free touch-typing program on the internet and download this onto your devices at home.

Assessment points for this term are;

Grade 2-6

All students from Grades 2 to 6 have been completing touch typing lessons also. This program improves speed and accuracy. If you would like to support this, it is recommended that you find a free touch-typing program on the internet and download this on to your devices at home.

Grade 2

During Weeks 1-2, students were using Google to locate pictures and information about a location of their choice. They will continue practising these skills by using Google Maps to locate a local place (school, home, hospital mosque etc.).

They will use Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel to present their work this term.

Reading Eggs and Mathletics will also be used in the classroom for those students who have completed set tasks.

Students will be assessed on:

Grade 3 &4

In the first few weeks of Term 2, Grade 3 students were given the chance to consolidate their reading and maths skills through Reading Eggs and Mathletics.

In week 3, all students in Grades 3 & 4 were supplied with a section code and their ID’s for code.org which will be part of their lessons for this term. Students have access to this program at home and will be expected to take their ID’s and their section code home to complete their work and hand this in on time.

Grade 5

This term, the Grade 5’s are learning how to locate, sort and present information on a certain topic e.g. looking at and analysing data about local weather patterns.

First the students were given their rubric to decide what level they are working at.

Students are encouraged to bring usb/memory sticks to school, so they can save and work on tasks in their own time.

Grade 6

“Tynker” is a program the Grade 6’s will be using to learn about coding. The students will be completing lessons and projects through this online program. They can access, work through and complete set tasks.

Miss Meagan Height
ICT Teacher